More or most?

Nas no as?

Buadhairean coimeasach

To say that something is bigg er , fast er or eas ier than something else, we use the construction tha  …  nas ...

Tha litreachadh na Gàidhlig nas fhasa dhomh a-nis.
Gaelic spelling is easier for me now.
Tha litreachadh na Gàidhlig nas fhasa na litreachadh Beurla.
Gaelic spelling is easier than English spelling.
Buadhairean feabhasach

To say that something is the bigg es t, the fast es t or the eas ies t, we use the construction 'S e … as …

Dè as fhasa—(an) F(h)raingis no a’ Ghàidhlig?
Which is the easier (of the two)—French or Gaelic?
'S i a’ Ghàidhlig as fhasa!
Gaelic is the easier/the easiest!
'S i (an) F(h)raingis as fhasa!
French is the easier/the easiest!

You could also use nas (indefinite) in your answer:

Tha a' Ghàidhlig nas fhasa!
Gaelic is easier!
Tha (an) F(h)raingis nas fhasa!
French is easier!

And finally:

Dè as fhasa—Beurla, (an) Fraingis no a’ Ghàidhlig?
Which is the easiest—English, French or Gaelic?
'S i a’ Ghàidhlig as fhasa!
Gaelic is the easiest!
Tha (an) F(h)raingis nas fhasa!
French is easier!