Feuch e: There's no sign of them
Feuch e: Chan eil sgeul orra
Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

A bheil thu an dùil gun tig iad air an trèan no air a' bhus?
Do you expect they will come on the train or on the bus?

Tha mi 'n dùil gun tig Fionnlagh anns a' chàr, ach 's dòcha gun tig Iain air a' bhaidhsagal. I expect Finlay will come in the car, but John will probably come on the bike.
Tha mi 'n dùil gun tig Fionnlagh anns a' chàr agus gun tig Iain còmhla ris. I expect Finlay will come in the car and that John will come with him.
Tha mi 'n dùil gun tig Fionnlagh agus Iain air an trèan. I expect Finlay and John will come on the train.