Do you expect …?
A bheil sibh an dùil …?
When we are talking about getting together with friends, we can use different types of sentences. We're going to look at three we've met before, and we are going to use dol (go) and coinnich (meet).
Firstly, there are verbs of motion which we saw in A2 Cuspair 3.
And we saw some examples in our conversation.
Secondly, we've just looked at the future tense of regular verbs in the previous section. We had some examples in our conversation.
And thirdly, you'll remember we learnt about relative clauses in A2 Cuspair 8. We use gun (positive) and nach (negative) before the verb. Again, we had some examples in the conversation.
sa | san | sna
In the dative case the preposition anns a' , anns an , anns na can be contracted.
anns a' bhaile | sa bhaile |
anns a' ghàrradh | sa ghàrradh |
anns an talla | san talla |
anns an dachaigh | san dachaigh |
anns na h‑oifisean | sna h‑oifisean |
anns na bailtean | sna bailtean |
You're all set to go! Have a great time! Before moving on, we hope you'll enjoy this Gaelic proverb.