Complete for 2 points

Chan eil sgeul orra

There's no sign of them

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

An coinnich sinn riutha air beulaibh an talla, no an tèid sinn gu oifis nan tiocaidean? Will we meet them in front of the hall, or will we go to the ticket office?
Tha iad a’ dol dhan oifis an toiseach. Ach chan eil sgeul orra. Càit a bheil iad? They’re going to the office first. But there’s no sign of them. Where are they?
A bheil thu an dùil gun tig iad air an trèan no air a’ bhus? Do you expect they will come on the train or on the bus?
Tha mi ‘n dùil gun tig Fionnlagh anns a’ chàr, ach ‘s dòcha gun tig Iain air a’ bhaidhsagal. I expect Finlay will come in the car, but John will probably come on the bike.
Tha mi ‘n dòchas nach tèid Fionnlagh air an rathad-mhòr. Bha tubaist ann. I hope that Finlay doesn’t go on the main road/motorway. There was an accident.
Tha mi ‘n dòchas gun ruig iad ann an àm. I hope they get here (will arrive) on time.
Am fuirich sinn an seo no an tèid sinn gu àite eile? Air beulaibh an talla? Will/Shall we wait here or will we go somewhere else? In front of the hall?
Tha fhios aig Fionnlagh gu bheil sinn a’ dol a choinneachadh an seo. Finlay knows that we are going to meet here.
Tha a’ chuirm-chiùil a’ dol a thòiseachadh a dh’aithghearr. The concert is going to start soon.
Ò seo iad! Oh, here they are!
Sin sibh, a chàirdean. ‘S math ur faicinn. Abair turas a bh’ againn! There you are, friends. It’s good to see you. What a journey we had!
Nach tèid sinn a-steach, ma-thà? Let’s (won’t we) go in, then?
Thèid! Thugainn! We will! Come on!