
Topic Introduction
A’ coinneachadh ri caraid
Meeting a friend
Section 1
Dè do naidheachd?
What's your news?
Section 2
Section 3
Aithne is eòlas
Acquaintance and knowledge
Section 4
Cuimhne is fios
Memory and knowledge
Section 5
Fàbharan is iarrtasan
Favours and requests
Section 6
Càirdeas – Dèanta!
Friendship - complete
Section 7
Topic 1 (A2) Càirdeas Friendship
Math fhèin! It’s a new topic in a new SpeakGaelic level and it’s all about chatting with friends. In this topic, we will revisit some sentences we have already met, it will be like meeting an old pal, and we will develop some Gaelic connections. We’ll learn some informal colloquial sayings which you can use when chatting with your chums.
You’ll learn how to:
- A’ faighinn naidheachd | Getting news
- Abairtean càirdeil agus neo-fhoirmeil | Friendly and informal phrases
- A’ bruidhinn air rudan as àbhaist dhut a dhèanamh | Talk about things you normally do
- A’ bruidhinn air daoine as aithne dhut | Talking about people you know
- Cuimhne is eòlas | Memory and knowledge
- Ag iarraidh air daoine rudeigin a dhèanamh | Asking people to do something
You’ll also learn about:
- The past tense with regular verbs.
- Prepositional pronouns with do: dhomh, dhut, dha, dhi, dhuinn, dhuibh, dhaibh
- Compound verbs: ’S àbhaist / ’S aithne
- Bring with do (for ‘give’); Thoir dhomh
- The past tense of Thoir; I gave you ...
- Adjectives
- Greetings
- Friendly and informal expressions
- Plurals
- Bilingual transcription: Anns a’ phàirc: Càirdeas
- Bilingual Transcription: Dachaigh ùr: Càirdeas