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Feumaidh mi falbh

I'll have to leave

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Uill, a chàirdean, feumaidh mi falbh. Well, friends, I’ll have to go (leave).
Chan eil thu gar fàgail mar–thà, a bheil? You’re not leaving us already, are you?
Tha, gu mì–fhortanach. Feumaidh mi Fèis Dhùn Èideann fhàgail agus an t-aiseag fhaighinn tràth sa mhadainn. ‘S e astar mòr a th’ ann eadar Dun Èideann is cidhe Ulapuil! Yes, unfortunately. I have to leave (behind) the Edinburgh Festival and catch the ferry early in the morning. It’s a long way between Edinburgh and Ullapool Pier!
Nach bochd fhaicinn nach bi Fèis Leabhraichean Ulapuil a’ tilleadh am–bliadhna! What a shame to see that the Ullapool Book Festival will not be returning this year!
Nach bi i a’ tilleadh? Is it not coming back?
Cha bhi, bu mhòr am beud. Sin an fhèis a bha mòran ag iarraidh fhaicinn. No it won’t, more’s the pity. That’s the festival that many wanted to see.
Bha mi fhìn air bhioran a chluinntinn gun rachadh an fhèis air adhart an dèidh a’ ghlasaidh–sluaigh, ach sin an saoghal. I myself was excited to hear that the festival would go ahead after lockdown, but that’s the way of the world.
Ach nach bruidhinn sinn air na fèisean a tha sinn ag iarraidh a fhrithealadh?! But let’s talk about the festivals we want to attend?!
Bruidhnidh sinn air na fèisean as urrainn dhuinn a fhrithealadh! Let’s talk about the festivals that we can attend!
Tha mise a’ falbh a dh’àiteigin ùr am–bliadhna. Bidh mise a’ dol gu Fèis Cheilteach Innse Gall (HebCelt). I’m going (leaving for) somewhere new this year. I will be going to the Hebridean Celtic Festival (HebCelt).
Cha bhi thu a’ falbh astar mòr chun na fèise sin, ge–tà! You won’t be travelling far to that festival, though!
Cha bhi. Tha thu ceart. Ach bidh mi a’ coimhead air na daoine a tha mise ag iarraidh a choimhead air gun ghluasad bhon stairsneach agam fhèin! I won’t (be). You are right. But I will be watching the people I want to watch without moving from my own front door (threshold)!
Faodaidh sinne am baile mòr fhàgail air ar cùlaibh agus a dhol ann còmhla riut! We can leave the city behind and go there with you!