Isn't it good to see that there will be a fèis again?

Nach math fhaicinn gum bi fèis ann a–rithist?

Deiseil? | Ready?

In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about Nach math fhaicinn gum bi fèis ann a–rithist? (Isn't it good to see that there will be a fèis again?).

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • Is math fhaicinn gum bi fèis ann | It is good to see that there will be a festival
  • Feumaidh mi an fhèis fhàgail | I have to leave the festival
  • Gnàthasan | Idioms

You will also learn about:

  • ainmearan gnìomhaireach – ais–thilleadh agus ro–thilleadh |  verbal nouns – analepsis and prolepsis
  • gnìomhairean a tha faisg air a chèile – FÀG; FALBH (a–rithist) | verbs with similar meaning – FÀG; FALBH (a–rithist)
Là Fhèill Eòin as t–Samhradh, thèid a' chuthag gu a taigh Geamhraidh.
On St John's day in Summer, the cuckoo goes to her winter home.