Feuch e: I don't think there will be any festivals going on at that time

Feuch e: Cha chreid mi gum bi fèisean sam bith a' dol aig an àm sin

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Cha chreid mi gum bi fèisean sam bith a' dol aig an àm sin, am bi?

I don't think there will be any festivals going on at that time, will there?

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Bidh gu dearbh. 'S e Ceòlas a chuireas sin air dòigh. Tha ainm eile aice cuideachd—Fèis Chullaig! There will be indeed. Ceòlas organise that. It also has another name—Fèis Chullaig!
Cha bhi. Tha a h–uile rud dùinte, marbh aig an àm sin dhen bhliadhna. There won't be. Everything is closed, dead at that time of year.
Bidh. Nach cuala tu mu Fhèisean a' Gheamhraidh a bhios a' dol air feadh na dùthcha? There will. Haven't you heard about the Winter Festivals that go on all over the country?