Cha chreid mi gum bi fèisean sam bith a' dol aig an àm sin
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Chòrd am feasgar sin aig an Fhèis rium gu mòr, Anna. Cha chreid mi nach bi mi deiseil airson Fèis na Bliadhn' Ùire.
I really enjoyed that afternoon/evening at the Festival, Anna. I think I'm ready (I don't believe I won't be ready) for the New Year Festival.

Cha chreid mi gum bi fèisean sam bith a' dol aig an àm sin, am bi?
I don't think there will be any festivals going on at that time, will there?

Bidh gu dearbh. 'S e Ceòlas a chuireas sin air dòigh. Tha ainm eile aice cuideachd—Fèis Chullaig!
There will be indeed. Ceòlas organise that. It also has another name—Fèis Chullaig!

Tha mi a' tuigsinn. Cha chreid mi nach tèid mi gu Celtic Connections sa bhliadhn' ùir—'s e fèis air leth a tha sin.
I understand. I think I'll go (I don't believe I won't go) to Celtic Connections in the new year—that's a fantastic festival.

Leugh mi mu theaghlach à Alba Nuadh a bhios a' tighinn gu Celtic Connections a h–uile bliadhna.
I read about a family from Nova Scotia who come to Celtic Connections every year.

Tha e cho inntinneach dhomh gun do chùm na daoine a chaidh thar a' chuain dualchas na Gàidhlig beò.
It is so interesting to me that the people who went over the ocean kept the Gaelic culture alive.

Agus bidh iadsan a' coinneachadh ri daoine a-bhos an seo a tha a' cumail ar dualchais beò san linn seo!
And they meet people from here who keep our culture alive in this day and age (century)!

Bidh mise a' gabhail pàirt ann am fèis ionadail an–ath–bhliadhna.
I will be taking part in a local fèis next year.

'S ann don òigridh a tha sin, saoilidh mi. Cha chreid mi nach eil thu ro shean airson sin, 'ille, nach eil?
That's for the young people, I think. I think you are (I don't think you're not) too old for that, mate, aren't you?

Cha chreid mi gu bheil. Bidh mi a' teagasg giotàr agus dannsa–ceum aig Fèis na Càisge. 'S e sin a' phrìomh fhèis aig Fèis Latharna.
I don't believe I am. I will be teaching guitar and step dancing at Fèis na Càisge (the Easter Festival). That is the main fèis at Fèis Latharna.

Nach ann dhut a rug an cat an cuilean!
Aren't you the lucky one (Was it not for you that the cat gave birth to the puppy!)

Bha fhios ’am gun robh thu ceòlmhor ach tha e coltach gu bheil thu èasgaidh cuideachd!
I knew you were musical but it seems you are also nimble (light on your feet)!