I am tired of English speakers
Tha mi sgìth de luchd na Beurla
Look at the sentences below with the different answers until you're happy with them. Have fun!
De na h–òrain a rinn Màiri Mhòr 's e ...
Of the songs Màiri Mhòr composed...
(Tha Mi Sgìth de) Luchd na Beurla
(I am tired of) English speakers
Deoch–shlàinte Gàidheil Ghrianaig
A Toast to the Greenock Gaels
Coinneamh nan Croitearan
The Meeting of the Crofters
Soraidh le Eilean a' Cheò
Farewell to the Misty Isle
Breacan Màiri Ùisdein
Màiri Ùisdean's plaid/tartan
Camanachd Ghlaschu
Glasgow Camanachd
Eilean a' Cheò
The Misty Isle
Òran Beinn Lì
Song of Beinn Lì
Nuair Bha Mi Òg
When I was Young
...an t–òran as fheàrr leam.
...is my favourite song.