

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Màiri Mhòr nan Òran (Màiri Mhòr nan Òran (Mary MacPherson)). Let's look at some of them again in context.

Cuirm–chiùil Màiri Mhòr nan Òran
(The) Màiri Mhòr nan Òran concert
'S i seo a' Bhliadhn' Ùr a thug sòlas dhuinn
This is the New Year that brought us joy
… ri linn a' ghalair
… because of the disease [COVID]
… a' comharrachadh dà cheud bliadhna
… marking two hundred years
Loidhne àraid chumhachdach
One particular powerful line
Bha 'n tobht' aig Anndra 's e làn de dh'fheanntaig
Andrew's ruin was full of nettles
'S e briseadh–cridhe a th' ann!
That's heartbreaking!
… a' toirt iomradh air buaidh nan croitearan
… giving an account of the victory of the crofters
Blàr a' Chumhaing
Battle of the Braes
Cho aighearach
So cheerful
Tha na briathran cho cudromach
The words are so important
'Ach thig buaidh leis an fhìrinn'
But the truth will win out

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.