Làrach nam Bàrd

Làrach nam Bàrd

The BBC website Làrach nam Bàrd is excellent for finding out about Gaelic poetry.

Look at the three songs of Màiri Mhòr on 24B Duilleag Obrach or on this website.

Ged tha mo cheann air liathadh
Le deuchainnean is bròn,
Is grian mo leth cheud bliadhna
Air ciaradh fo na neòil
Tha m' aigne air a lìonadh
Le iarrtas ro mhòr
Gum faicinn Eilean Sgiathach
Nan siantannan 's a' Cheò.
Although my head has greyed
With trials and sadness,
And the sun of my fifty years
Has darkened under the clouds,
My thoughts are filled
With a great desire
To see the Isle of Skye
Of the elements and the mist.

Màiri's songs are still popular and bands will sing them in their own way.

Listen to these recordings of the song: 'Eilean a' Cheò': one by Ceana Chaimbeul, and one by Niteworks & Deirdre Ghreumach.

Dè do bheachd air an dà dhiofar thionndadh dheth le Ceana agus Niteworks?
What do you think of the two different versions by Kenna and Niteworks?
Cò mu dheidhinn a tha an t–òran?
What is the song about?
Carson a sgrìobh Màiri e?
Why did Màiri write it?
An toil leat an t–òran?
Do you like the song?
Carson? Carson nach toil?
Why? Why not?
Dè an tionndadh as fheàrr leat: an tionndadh traidiseanta le Ceana Chaimbeul no an tionndadh ùr–nòsach le Niteworks?
Which version do you prefer: the traditional version by Kenna Campbell or the modern version by Niteworks?
Carson as fheàrr leat an tionndadh sin?
Why do you prefer that version?
A bheil e cudromach a bhith a' dèanamh rudan ùra leis na h–òrain thraidiseanta?
Is it important to do new things with (the) traditional songs?