The faster …
Mar as luaithe …
We talked about sport in general in B1 Cuspair 8 , and we looked at a news report about football there.
It is in this lesson that we reflect on professional sports, but before we start this, we have to look at an important phrase that we saw in the conversation.
Look at the conversation again and at Seonag's second line.
Mar as trice a nì thu iòga, 's ann as sùbailte a dh'fhàsas tu.
The more often you do yoga, the more flexible you become.
We saw an example of this idiom at A2 :
Mar as motha, 's ann as fheàrr.
The bigger, the better.
We can expand expressions like this and we can use them in other tenses too:
Mar as motha de gheamannan a chluich iad, 's ann as miosa a chluich iad!
The more games they played, the worse they played!
Mar bu mhotha a smaoinichinn oirre, 's ann a bu mhiosa a dh'fhàsadh an sgeulachd.
The more I would think about it, the worse the story would become.
How would you translate these phrases into Gaelic?
The bigger, the better. |
The more petrol we have, the further we will go. |
Seo dhut na freagairtean!
Here are the answers!
Mar as motha, 's ann as fheàrr.
The bigger, the better.
Mar as motha de pheatrail a th' againn, 's ann as fhaide a thèid sinn.
The more petrol we have, the further we will go.