

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Spòrs dreuchdail is neo–dhreuchdail ( Professional and amateur sport ). Let's look at some of them again in context.

Chanainn gun robh sinn uile co-ionnan
I would say we were all equal
luchd-spòrs proifeiseanta
professional sportspeople
dèanadas (coileanadh)
ge b' oil leotha
despite them, despite them
luchd-spòrs neo-dhreuchdail
non-professional sportspeople
outcome, result
Tha mi a' dol leat
I agree, I agree with you
spòrs proifeiseanta
professional sport(s)
upside down
drùidhte ann an airgead
awash with money
sanasachd, sponsaireachd is tuarastail luchd-spòrs
advertising, sponsorship and players' salaries
trumach air shearrach
suim airgid a bha do-chreidsinneach
an unbelievable amount of money
Cò air a tha thu a-mach?
What are you on about?
sgioba nam fear
the men's team
sgioba nam ban
the women's team

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.