The Fianna
An Fhèinn
We learned a little about Fionn MacCumhaill and An Fhèinn in the first part of this lesson, but there were plenty of other celebrated heroes in the Fianna.
An Fhèinn (f)
The Fianna, The Fingalians
na Fèinne (gin)
of the Fianna, Fingalians
Diarmad Ó Duibhne
Diarmaid O'Dyna
Fionn MacCumhaill
Finn MacCool
Grania, daughter of King Cormac
Ossian (Finn MacCool's son)
Cù Chulainn
Queen Maeve of Connacht
There are many famous stories about the Fianna, Diarmad agus Gràinne , Oisean after the Fianna, the heroism/bravery of Cù Chulainn and others.
The story of Diarmaid and Gràinne is very like the other stories in European literature about triantain ghaoil (love triangles): Tristan and Isolde, for example.
There is a website edited by Ruairidh MacIlleathain called where we can find some of the Sgeulachdan na Fèinne , stories of the Fianna.
cothrom na Fèinne
a fair chance