There are many characters and other creatures which often appear in Gaelic stories, and about which all the people of Scotland will know as well.
Certainly the an t‑each‑uisge (kelpie) is the most well‑known of them.
Most of us know about Na h‑Eich‑uisge (The Kelpies) near Falkirk!
Have you ever seen them?
Below, we can see some of the creatures and their abilities which are common in folklore and traditional stories.
each-uisge (m)
kelpie, water-horse
an dà-shealladh (m)
the second sight
sìthiche(an) (m)
an droch-shùil (f)
the evil eye
ùraisg (m)
brownie, goblin
manadh (m)
omen, sign
fuamhaire (m)
giant, Fomorian
taibhse (f)
apparition, ghost
an t-Seilche (f)
loch dwelling monster
bòcan (m)
ghost, spectre, goblin
A bheil thu eòlach air sgeulachd sam bith mu na creutairean seo?
Are you familiar with any story about these creatures?
A bheil thusa a’ creidsinn ann an taibhsean is ann am bòcain? Carson?
Do you believe in ghosts and spectres? Why?
A bheil thu a’ creidsinn gu bheil creutairean mar sìthichean is eich-uisge ann?
Do you believe in creatures like fairies and kelpies?
Carson a bhiodh daoine ag innse sgeulachdan mu dheidhinn nan creutairean seo?
Why would people tell stories about these creatures?
Am faca tu a-riamh rudeigin annasach nach b’ urrainn dhut a mhìneachadh?
Have you ever seen something strange that you couldn’t explain?
Dè mu dheidhinn an dà-sheallaidh, a bheil thu a’ saoilsinn gum bi cuid de dhaoine a’ faicinn rudan mus tachair iad?
What about second sight, do you think that some people see things before they happen?