Complete for 2 points

Na sgeulachdan a b' fheàrr leam

My favourite stories

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you’re happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!

‘S e na sgeulachdan

It was the stories
leis an Fhèinn with the Fianna mun dà-shealladh about (the) second sight le Cù Chulainn with Cu Chulainn le Fionn mac Cumhaill with Finn McCool mun droch-shùil about the evil eye leis an each-uisge the kelpie le fuamhairean with giants le manaidhean with apparitions mu na sìthichean about (the) fairies mu thaibhsean about ghosts mu ùraisgean about brownies

an fheadhainn a b’ fheàrr leam nuair a bha mi na b’ òige.

the ones I preferred/liked best when I was younger.