Latha gu Latha

Latha gu Latha
Topic Introduction
Gnìomhan làitheil
Daily deeds
Section 1
Ceistean air gnìomhan làitheil
Questions about habits
Section 2
Ceistean mun àm ri teachd
Questions about the future
Section 3
A’ faighinn naidheachd
Getting news
Section 4
Dè thuirt e?
What did he say?
Section 5
Latha gu Latha - Dèanta!
Day-to-day - complete
Section 6
Topic 11 Latha gu Latha Day-to-day
Mìorbhaileach! This is another popular topic and it gives us a good foundation to talk about other important matters such as habits and to ask people what others have said.
You’ll learn how to:
- Ask questions about habits
- Discuss habits
- Talk about preferences
You’ll also learn about:
- Verbal nouns
- Adverbs about time
- Bilingual transcription - Dachaigh ùr: Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh?
- Bilingual transcription - Anns a’ phàirc: Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh?