Bilingual transcription: When will your birthday be?

Bilingual transcription: Cuin a bhios do cho-là-breith? 

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases. 

To find out when someone's birthday is, you would ask: 

Cuin a bhios / do cho–là–breith ann? When will your birthday be, when's your birthday, Cuin a bhios do cho–là–breith ann?  

And to answer, we use the form: 

Bidh mo / cho–là–breith air … , My birthday will be on, bidh mo cho–là–breith air followed by the day and the month.  

For example, if it was on the third of March you would say, Bidh mo cho–là–breith air an treas latha / den Mhàirt ,  

Bidh mo cho–là–breith air an treas latha den Mhàirt.  

And you can find lots of additional learning on our website about numbers and dates and how to use them. 

Now, having found out the date of the birthday, if you're on familiar enough terms, you could ask someone how old they will be.  

To do this you say: 

Dè an aois / a bhios tu? What age will you be or How old will you be? Dè an aois a bhios tu? 

And if they're willing to tell you, the answer should be: 

Bidh mi … [followed by their age] / air mo cho–là–breith ,  

For example, if you're forty on your birthday: 

Bidh mi c eathrad / air mo cho–là–breith. I'll be forty on my birthday. Bidh mi ceathrad air mo cho–là–breith. 

And if it's a special birthday, coltach ri ceathrad, that's a co–là–breith / sònraichte ,co–là–breith sònraichte.  

And some more co–làithean–breith sònraichte you may wish to tuck away for future reference: 

seasgad , sixty years old, seasgad bliadhn' a dh'aois. 

A nd  

ochd bliadhna deug, eighteen, ochd bliadhna deug