Feuch e: The wedding day
Feuch e: Latha na bainnse
Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

Ciamar a chaidh dhut aig na cuirmean: an ceumnachadh, am baisteadh agus a' bhanais?
How did you get on at the celebrations: the graduation, the baptism/christening and the wedding?

Chaidh math dha–rìribh! 'S i a' bhanais an latha a bu motha a bh' ann. Bha Mìcheal, fear na bainnse, deiseil le liosta–aoighean agus fiathachaidhean bliadhna ron cheann–latha. I got on really well! It's the wedding that was the biggest day. Michael, the groom, was ready with a guest list and invitations a year before the date.
Chaidh math dha–rìribh! Ach, tha mi feumach air beagan fois an dèidh na bha siud de hòro–gheallaidh. I got on really well! But I'm in need of a little rest after all that partying.
Cha deach gu math idir. Chaidh a h–uile duine a–mach air a chèile air latha na bainnse. I didn't get on well at all. Everyone fell out on the day of the wedding.