I dislike people who are …
Is beag orm daoine a tha …
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
Is beag orm
I dislike
Bu lugha orm
I detested
Tha gràin agam air
I hate
Bu bheag orm
I [hated] disliked
daoine a tha mòr asta fhèin — ach mar a h-uile duin' eile, tha iad airidh air gràdh.
people who are conceited — but just like everyone else, they are worthy of love.
Tha gràdh agam air
I love
Is fìor thoil leam
I really like
Tha gaol agam air
I love
Ghabh mi gaol air
I fell in love with
Thug mi gaol do dh’
I love (I gave my love to)
Thuit mi ann an trom ghaol le
I fell deeply in love with
Iseabail — chan eil a samhail ann!
Isobel – there's no-one like her!