I care little for her partner
Is beag orm an cèile aice
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Haidh, Fhionnlaigh. Tha mi a' sgrìobhadh cairt dham phiuthar, Peigi. Ach is lugha orm tòiseachadh! Chan fhaigh mi a' chairt cheart agus tha e doirbh dhomh na briathran iomchaidh a lorg. 'S e rud sìmplidh a tha mi airson a chur an cèill.
Hi, Finlay. I am writing a card to my sister, Peggy. But I don't like starting! I can't get the right card and it's hard for me to find the right words. It's a simple thing I want to express

Bu bheag orm sin cuideachd. Uill, chan eil sin buileach ceart. Bha gràin agam air airson bhliadhnaichean! Bhithinn a' feuchainn ris a h-uile nì fhaighinn dìreach ceart.
I didn't like that, too. Well, that's not quite right. I hated it for years! I would try to get everything just right.

Thuirt thu gun robh gràin agad air. A bheil sin air atharrachadh ma-thà?
You said you hated it. Has that changed then?

Tha gu dearbh. 'S ann a tha mi gu math èasgaidh agus misneachail mu dheidhinn na làithean seo.
It has indeed. I am very enthusiastic and confident about it these days.

Agus ciamar a tha thu cho misneachail mu dheidhinn?
And how are you so confident about it?

Rian! Bho chionn beagan bhliadhnaichean rinn mi liosta de na daoine gus am bi mi a' cur chairtean, na co-làithean breith aca is seòlaidhean. Tha gràdh agam orra uile! B' fhiach e!
A system! A few years ago I made a list of the people I send cards to, their birthdays and addresses. I love them all! It was worth it!

Seadh. Glè mhath gu ruige seo! Dè eile?
Yes. So far so good! What else?

Turas sa bhliadhna, thèid mi gu bùth nan cairtean sa bhaile agus ceannaichidh mi càrn de chairtean freagarrach. Is fìor thoil leam an latha sin. Agus thar làithean-saora na Nollaige, sgrìobhaidh mi na cairtean uile, agus cuiridh mi iad air an sgeilp iad, deiseil airson na Bliadhn' Ùire.
Once a year, I go to the card shop in town and buy a pile of suitable cards. I really like that day. And over the Christmas holidays, I will write all the cards, and put them on the shelf, ready for the New Year.

Tha sin mìorbhaileach! Ach a bheil sin a' toirt an aire do thachartasan eile ceangailte ri gaol agus gràdh: bainnsean, geallaidhean-pòsaidh is baistidhean? No dè thachras le suidheachadh—gun rabhadh—far a bheil daoine fo bhròn agus tha cairt co-fhulangais a dhìth?
That's wonderful! But does that take into account other events related to love and affection: weddings, engagements and baptisms? Or what happens with a situation—without warning—when people are bereaved and a sympathy card is needed?

Fuirich thusa! Aig an aon àm ’s a bhios mi a' faighinn chairtean sa bhaile, no ma dh'fhaoidte air-loidhne, ceannaichidh mi cairtean eile a bhios iomchaidh do dh'iomadh tachartas.
Just you wait! At the same time that I get cards in town, or maybe online, I buy other cards that are suitable for many occasions.

Is fìor thoil leam na beachdan sin. Am bi thu dìochuimhnicheadh an cur air falbh uair sam bith?
I really like these ideas. Do you ever forget to send them?

Cha bhi, mar as trice! Cha do dhìochuimhnich mi ach aon turas agus cha do rinn mi sin a-rithist.
Not usually! I only forgot once and never did it again.

Tha Peigi air tuiteam trom ann an gaol 's tha i fo ghealladh-pòsaidh. Tha gràdh mòr agam oirre, agus tha gaol aice air-san, ach is beag orm an cèile aice.
Peggy has fallen deeply in love and is engaged to be married. I love her very much, and she loves him, but I care little for her partner.

Bu bheag orm mo phiuthar-chèile! Ach rud a dh'ionnsaich mise le teaghlaichean, a m' eudail: an rud nach buin dhut na buin dha!
I didn’t care for my sister-in-law! But what I learned with families, my dear, is: mind your own business (don't meddle in things that don't concern you)!