Answer the questions
Freagair na ceistean
Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic-speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don't—no problem—you can have double the fun!
Use these questions to have/hold a conversation.
Dè an rud mu dheireadh a dh'fhàg thu fo bhròn?
What was the last thing that left you sad?
Cuin a bha gràin agad air rudeigin mu dheireadh?
When was the last time you loathed or hated something?
Dè bh' ann?
What was it?
An do thuit thu ann an gaol le cuideigin nuair a bha thu nad dheugaire?
Did you fall in love with someone when you were a teenager?
An do thuit thu ann an gaol le cuideigin nuair a bha thu na bu shine na sin?
Did you fall in love with someone when you were older than that?
An robh sùil agad ann an cuideigin a-riamh? Cha leig thu leas a ràdh cò!
Did you have a fancy for someone ever? You don't have to say who!
Don't forget the website where you can find loads of information as well as Faclair LearnGaelic (the LearnGaelic Dictionary)!