I was expelled
Chaidh m' fhuadach
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
m’ fhuadach
I was expelled
d’ fhuadach
you were expelled
a fuadach
she was expelled
(a) fhuadach
he was expelled
ar fuadach
we were expelled
ur fuadach
you were expelled
am fuadach
they were expelled
a-mach às an taigh.
from the house.
Tha eagal orm gun tèid
I'm afraid that
mo dhachaigh
my house
do dhachaigh
your house
a dachaigh
her house
a dhachaigh
his house
ar dachaigh
our house
ur dachaigh
your house
an dachaigh
their house
a ghoid.
will be stolen.