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Alba Nuadh

Complete for 2 points

Bilingual transcription: Na Fuadaichean

Bilingual transcription: The Highland Clearances

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


Tòisichidh sinn le beagan eachdraidh.

As you know, na Gàidheil were cleared from their land over successive centuries, for reasons we touched on earlier in the series. You’ll remember the phrase Na Fuadaichean, the Clearances.

We can express this in the passive voice using chaidh, the past tense of the verb to go, chaidh.

So to say that the Gaels were cleared, it’s:

Chaidh na Gàidheil/fhuadach, Chaidh na Gàidheil fhuadach.

We can also say this in another way:

Chaidh am fuadach, They were cleared, Chaidh am fuadach. Here, instead of “they”, we’re saying “their”, their clearing, am fuadach. Chaidh am fuadach.

And nothing epitomises the Highland diaspora more than the province of Alba Nuadh in Canada. Its Latin name Nova Scotia, New Scotland, was given in the seventeenth century and endures to this day.

Thàinig na Gàidheil aig deireadh/na h-ochdamh linn deug, at the end of the eighteenth century, aig deireadh na h-ochdamh linn deug.

In the Gaelic of Nova Scotia, they talk about:

an dùthaich ùr

agus an t-seann dùthaich, The new country and the old country, An dùthaich ùr agus an t-seann dùthaich.

Alba Nuadh is an dùthaich ùr and Scotland is an t-seann dùthaich.

Similarly, the people of each place are referred to as:

muinntir na dùthcha ùire, folk of the new country, muinntir na dùthcha ùire.

And the folk of the old country are:

muinntir na seann dùthcha, muinntir na seann dùthcha.

Many of the places anns an dùthaich ùir,

are named or adapted from the names given by the Mi’kmaq: Na Ciad Nàiseanaich, the First Nations people, Na Ciad Nàiseanaich, and you’ll also hear them referred to as Na Tùsanaich, native people, na Tùsanaich.

Thall ann an Alba Nuadh tha dualchas nan Gàidheal fhathast làidir, gu h-àraidh ceòl is òrain, le fìdheall agus piàno, fiddle and piano, fìdheall agus piàno, agus rud a chì sinn nas fhaide air adhart sa phrògram: dannsa-ceum, step-dancing, dannsa-ceum.

Agus leis gu bheil ceanglaichean làidir, strong links, ceanglaichean làidir eadarainn,

bidh daoine fhathast a’ dol a-null ‘s a-nall agus

ag ionnsachadh/o chàch a chèile, learning from each other, ag ionnsachadh o chàch a chèile. Mi fhìn nam measg!