Food supply – Dèanta!
Solarachadh bìdh – Dèanta!
You should now be confident about:
- Briathrachas croitearachd | Crofting Terminology
- Solarachadh bìdh | Food supply
- Gnàthasan | Idioms
- an tràth caithte fulangach, neo–riaghailteach – RINNEADH/FHUARADH | the passive, irregular past tense – RINNEADH/FHUARADH
- gnìomhairean riaghailteach (a–rithist): an tràth caithte/teachdail/cumhach | regular verbs (again): past/future/conditional
Why not move on to talk about Beatha air an dùthaich (Life in the countryside)?