Food supply

Solarachadh bìdh

Deiseil? | Ready?

In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about Solarachadh bìdh (Food supply).

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • Briathrachas croitearachd | Crofting Terminology
  • Solarachadh bìdh | Food supply
  • Gnàthasan | Idioms

You will also learn about:

  • an tràth caithte fulangach, neo–riaghailteach – RINNEADH/FHUARADH | the passive, irregular past tense – RINNEADH/FHUARADH
  • gnìomhairean riaghailteach (a–rithist): an tràth caithte/teachdail/cumhach | regular verbs (again): past/future/conditional
Cha bhi bainne aig bò fir, 's cha bhi treabhadh an each mnatha.
A man's cow won't yield milk, and a woman's horse won't plough.

[Traditionally, some old–fangled notion that women were thought to be better at managing cows and men at managing horses.]