Hard work was done

Rinneadh obair chruaidh

We have seen an tràth caithte fulangach neo–riaghailteach (the irregular passive tense) in B1 Topic 24 : 'Fhuaradh am fosail pterosaur as motha riamh san Eilean Sgitheanach'. 'The largest pterosaur fossil ever found in Skye'.

We saw this again in the section at the beginning of the lesson: fhuaradh taic bhon choimhearsnachd (support was got/received from the community).

Look at the verbs in the tables below, an tràth caithte fulangach neo–riaghailteach (the irregular past passive tense) first:

An d' fhuaradh?Was got?An do rinneadh?Was made?
Nach d' fhuaradh?Wasn't got?Nach do rinneadh?Wasn't made?
FhuaradhWas gotRinneadhWas made
Cha d' fhuaradhWasn't gotCha do rinneadhWasn't made

And now, an tràth caithte fulangach riaghailteach (the regular past passive tense).

An do thogadh?Was built?An do bhruidhneadh?Was spoken?
Nach do thogadh?Wasn't built?Nach do bhruidhneadh?Wasn't spoken?
ThogadhWas builtBhruidhneadhWas spoken
Cha do thogadhWasn't builtCha do bhruidhneadhWasn't spoken
Bhruidhneadh tric mu amannan sònraichte sa bhliadhna.
Special times of the year were discussed (talked about).
Am bruidhneadh a' Ghàidhlig no a' Bheurla air croitean?
Was Gaelic or English spoken on crofts?
Cha bhruidhneadh. Cha bhruidhneadh a' Ghàidhlig no a' Bheurla air croitean.
It wasn't. Gaelic or English wasn't spoken on crofts.
Bhruidhneadh. Bhruidhneadh a' Ghàidhlig no a' Bheurla air croitean.
It was. Gaelic or English was spoken on crofts.
Rinneadh obair chruaidh air an talamh.
Hard work was done on the land.
Fhuaradh uisge às an tobar no às an allt.
Water was obtained from the well or from the stream.
An d' fhuaradh toradh math bhon talamh?
Was a good harvest obtained/got from the earth?
Cha d' fhuaradh. Cha d' fhuaradh toradh math bhon talamh?
There was not. A good harvest wasn’t obtained/got from the earth.
Fhuaradh toradh math bhon talamh.
There was. A good harvest was got/obtained from the earth.
Thogadh taighean–tughaidh air feadh na Gàidhealtachd.
Thatched houses were built throughout the Highlands.
An togadh mòran thaighean air an dùthaich?
Were there many houses built in the countryside?

It's well worth taking a look back at the duilleagan cuimhne (cheat sheets) on the SpeakGaelic website. Why not take a look at the regular and irregular verbs in the different tenses—and voices! Siuthad!