Chat with a friend

Cabadaich le caraid

Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don't – no problem – you can have double the fun!

Think or talk about the lifestyle they talk about in the recording and your own lifestyle:

You can use these questions to start you off!

An robh agad fhèin ri obair–dhachaigh a dhèanamh nuair a bha thu òg?
Did you have to do housework when you were young?
Cò ris a bha do bheatha coltach?
What was your life like?
An do dh'òl thu a–riamh bainne nan caorach?
Have you ever drunk sheep's milk?
Ma dh'òl, cò ris a bha e coltach?
If you have (drunk), what was it like?
An do dh'òl thu a–riamh bainne nan gobhar?
Have you ever drunk goats' milk?
Ma dh'òl, cò ris a bha e coltach?
If you have (drunk), what was it like?
Dè na diofaran eadar dòigh–beatha aig na boireannaich anns a' chlàradh agus dòigh–beatha òigridh an latha an–diugh?
What are the differences between the lifestyle of the women in the recording and the lifestyle of today's young people?