There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Feumail don àrainneachd (Useful for the environment). Let’s look at some of them again in context.
Feumaidh sinn luchd–poileataigs a phutadh
We have to press politicians
a dhèanadh feum don àrainneachd
which would benefit the environment
muilnean–uisge (pl)
water mills
fad linntean
for centuries
lùth dealain–uisge
hydro–electric power
còrr is ceud bliadhna
for more than a hundred years
air leth freagarrach
particularly suited
do chruth–tìr na h–Alba
to Scotland’s landscape/terrain
muilnean–gaoithe (pl)
crainn–ghaoithe (pl)
wind turbines
a’ gintinn lùth–gaoithe
generating wind–power
tha tuathanasan–gaoithe grànda
wind–farms are ugly
cunnartach do fhiadh–bheatha
dangerous to wildlife
eas–bhuannachdan (pl)
cumhachd a bhios a’ tighinn bho chonnadh–fosail
power which comes from fossil fuel
cumhachd niùclasach
nuclear power
càirich an uidheamachd a th’ againn
repair the equipment we have
a’ sadail a–mach
tossing out/chucking out
glanadair–sùghaidh (m)
vacuum cleaner
gach dàrna bliadhna
every other year [every second year]
lìonadh–talmhainn (m)
a’ milleadh na h–àrainneachd
ruining the environment
We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.