Let’s talk about Rùintean na Bliadhn’ Ùire (New Year’s Resolutions) we made this year.
When we talk about this subject, we talk about what we are a’ dol a dhèanamh (going to do)—a’ dol a (going to) + lenited verbal noun.
We first saw this in A2 Cuspair 3.
Tha | mi | a’ dol | a | sheachnadh | siùcar |
is/am | I | going | to | avoiding | sugar |
We can use a’ dol a … (going to …) to talk about plans that we have for the future.
The verbal noun which follows a (to) will be lenited where possible, verbal nouns starting with vowels take dh’; verbs beginning with f + vowel will take dh’fh + vowel:
Nach eil i a’ dol a thogail taigh?
Isn’t she going to build a house?
Tha esan a’ dol a sgrìobhadh leabhar.
He is going to write a book.
Chan eil mi a’ dol a dh’òl cofaidh.
I am not going to drink coffee.
A bheil thu a’ dol a dh’fhàgail d’ obair?
Are you going to leave your work?
This structure can also be used where a riochdair (pronoun) is the object of the verbal noun using gam, gad, ga, ga/ga h–, gar, gur/gur n–, gan/gam.
Nach robh sibhse a’ dol ga dhèanamh?
Weren’t you going to do it?
Tha sinn a’ dol gam fosgladh a dh’aithghearr.
We are going to open them soon.
Tha iad a’ dol gam thogail an seo.
They are going to pick me up here.