Complete for 2 points

'S fheàirrde duine gàire!

Laughter is good for you!

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Cha chreid mi nach eil an tseinn agad a’ tighinn am feabhas, a Mhàiri. Tha na faclan agad, tha am fonn agad. Tha thu a’ dèanamh fìor mhath! I believe your singing is improving, Màiri. (I don’t believe your singing isn’t getting better). You’ve got the words, you’ve got the melody. You are doing really well!
Fhad ‘s nach tèid i am miosad! Ged is e roghainn fhèin a th’ ann, tha riaghailtean a’ Mhòid teann. As long as it doesn’t get worse! Although it is an own choice, the rules of the Mod are strict.
‘S ann agamsa a tha fios! Tha na riaghailtean nas teinne na rud sam bith a rinn mi roimhe—“Gaelic stresses and vowels take precedence!” Don’t I know it! The rules are stricter than anything I’ve done before—Gaelic stresses and vowels take precedence!