Complete for 2 points

An taogas làithreach

The present aspect

The verb faic in the aogas làithreach (present aspect) can be seen in this song. 

We know that chì mi can mean ‘I will see’ in the simple future tense, but it can also mean ‘I see’ or ‘I can see’. 

We have seen verbs in the future tense used in the aogas làithreach (present aspect) throughout this course, beginning with the verb bidh (be) being used this way in A1

Am faic? ✅ Chì ⛔ Chan fhaic 
Do see? ✅ See(s) ⛔ Don’t see 


Carson nach feuch thu air a’ ghnìomh seo! Ma bhios caraid agad aig a bheil Gàidhlig, dh’fhaodadh an dithis agaibh seo a dhèanamh còmhla. Mur a bheil, na gabh dragh—bidh a dhà uimhir de spòrs agad! 

Smaoinich(ibh) air na rudan a nì thu(sibh) a huile latha a’ cleachdadh ghnìomhairean san tràth theachdail leis an aogas làithreach. 

Thug sinn dhuibh/dhut na ceistean seo mar thoiseachtòiseachaidh: 

Am faic thu do theaghlach gach seachdain? Do you see your family every week? 
An dèan thu obairdachaigh Gàidhlig gach latha? Do you do Gaelic homework every day? 
An leugh thu leabhar no an coimhead thu air an telebhisean air an oidhche? Do you read a book or watch television at night? 
dh’itheas tu air Là na Nollaige gach bliadhna? What do you eat on Christmas Day every year? 
ghabhas tu nad thì no nad chofaidh? What do you take in your tea or coffee?