An dàrna turas: When did you say that?
Take two: Cuin a thuirt thu sin?
Let's have another look at our conversation.

Dè rinn thu?
What did you do?

Cheannaich mi na tiocaidean madainn an-diugh!
I bought the tickets this morning!

Ciamar a fhuair thu tiocaidean madainn an-diugh?
How did you get tickets this morning?

Air-loidhne! Bha mi airson a dhol a-mach, mar a thuirt mi mar-thà.
Online! I was wanting to go out, as I said already.

Cuin a thuirt thu sin?
When did you say that?

Dìreach an-ceartuair!
Just now!

Càit an tuirt thu sin? Bha mi san t-seòmar-suidhe còmhla ribh.
Where did you say that? I was in the sitting room with you (both).

An cuala tu mi a' faighneachd cuin a bhiodh tu fhèin agus Iain saor?
Did you hear me asking when you and John would be free?

Ò seadh. Tha cuimhn' agam a-nis.
O, yes. I remember now.

Glè mhath …
Very good …

Cuin a thòisicheas am film a-rithist?
When does the film start (again)?

Aig cairteal an-dèidh trì.
At quarter past three.

Agus dè cho fada 's a tha am film seo?
And how long is this film?

Dà uair gu leth.
Two and a half hours.