Structure: in Oban

Structair: anns an Òban

What happens if you want to talk about the weather in a certain place? A friend from there might have had incredible weather over the past few days and you want to find out more. You already know the structures we will use! 

Cò ris a bha an aimsir coltach ann an Steòrnabhagh?
What was the weather like in Stornoway?
Cò ris a bha an t-sìde coltach anns an Òban?
What was the weather like in Oban?

 We know this. 

Cò ris a bha an aimsir coltach an-dè?
What was the weather like yesterday?
Cò ris a tha an aimsir coltach an-diugh?
What was the weather like today?