Complete for 2 points

Tha mi cas a' falbh is cas a' fuireach mu d(h)eidhinn

I am undecided about it

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you’re happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!

‘S e mo bheachd air turasachd san latha an-diugh gu bheil mi

It’s my opinion of tourism in this day and age that I’m
eadar dà bheachd in two minds eadar dà bharail in two minds

mu deidhinn a-nis!

about it now!

‘S e mo bheachd air turasachd san latha an-diugh gu bheil mi

It’s my opinion of tourism in this day and age that I’m
gu mòr na h-aghaidh very against it air a son for it coingeis mu deidhinn indifferent to it coma mu deidhinn unbothered about it

