Complete for 2 points

Taigh-tasgaidh Beatha an Eilein Sgitheanaich

The Skye Museum of Island Life

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic-speaking friend, you could do this together. It will be fun—siuthad!

It’s about Taigh-tasgaidh Beatha an Eilein Sgitheanaich (the Skye Museum of Island Life) in Kilmuir in the north-west of Skye.

An deach thu a-riamh dhan Eilean Sgitheanach?

Have you ever been to Skye?

Ma chaidh, an deach thu dhan taigh-tasgaidh seo?

If you have, did you go to this museum?

A bheil thu eòlach air an àite?

Are you familiar with the place?

Cò ris a tha an taigh-tasgaidh coltach?

What is the museum like?

Am moladh tu an taigh-tasgaidh do dhaoine eile?

Would you recommend the museum to others?

Dè na h-àitichean eile san Eilean Sgitheanach a tha tarraingeach do luchd-turais?

Which other places on Skye are appealing to tourists?

Ma chaidh thu ann, an cuala tu Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn san sgìre?

If you went there, did you hear Gaelic being spoken in the area?

This programme was recorded in 1990 when the Isle of Skye was not as busy with travellers and tourists as it is today.

Jonathan tells us that it’s a good thing to be prepared for tourists who come to the island, but what are things like in the Isle of Skye today?

An canadh na Sgitheanaich an aon rud san latha an-diugh ‘s a thuirt Eòin mu luchd-turais?

Would the Skye folk say today the same thing that Jonathan said about tourists (then)?

A bheil cus luchd-turais ann a-nis?

Are there too many tourists now?

Am faodadh sin droch bhuaidh a thoirt air dè cho tarraingeach ‘s a tha an t-àite?

Could this have a negative impact on how attractive the place is?

Ciamar a dhèanadh tu cinnteach gu bheil cothromachd ann eadar beatha an àite agus luchd-turais?

How would you make sure that there is a balance between the life of the place and (the lives of) tourists?

Here are some words to help you in the conversation:






encourage, promote!


expand, broaden!



