Listen to a short excerpt from this recording 2:28–3:59.
There is a transcription available on the same page.
In this recording, Jonathan Macdonald is talking to John Morrison about the museum he opened in Kilmuir on the Isle of Skye.
In this part of the recording, we will hear about the things (objects) that most interest the tourists.
cuach baistidh
baptismal font
attractions (things which attract)
cupa comanachaidh
communion cup
cuidreamach (cudromach)
Listen to the recording again and answer these questions.
Dè na trì rudan a chanas Eòin a bhios a’ tarraing ùidh an luchd-turais?
What are the three things which Jonathan says attracts the interest of the tourists?
Dè thachair ri Eaglais an Trumpain agus cuin?
What happened to Trumpan Church and when?
A rèir Eòin, tha ùidh mhòr aig luchd-turais ann a bhith a’ faicinn rudeigin, ach dè bh’ ann?
According to Jonathan, tourists have a great interest in seeing something, but what was it?
Dè na trì rudan a chanas Eòin a bhios a’ tarraing ùidh an luchd-turais?
Rud no dhà a bhuineadh do dh’Fhionnghal NicDhòmhnaill; cuach baistidh agus cupa comanachaidh
A few items which belonged to Flora MacDonald; a baptismal font and a communion cup.
Dè thachair ri Eaglais an Trumpain agus cuin?
Chaidh i na teine ann am meadhan na siathamh linn deug.
It went on fire (it was set on fire) in the middle of the sixteenth century.
A rèir Eòin, tha ùidh mhòr aig luchd-turais ann a bhith a’ faicinn rudeigin, ach dè bh’ ann?
Seann chaitheamh beatha agus seann ghnothaichean aig daoine.
The old way of life and people’s old objects.