Tourism is a big and important industry, but it is not entirely without controversy.
As you’d expect, the more beautiful the place, the more tourism there will be (there).
Tha fèill mhòr air seann bhailtean eachdraidheil, a leithid Dhùn Èideann, na Ròimhe, agus Pharas, ach tha luchd-turais cianail fhèin measail air sgìrean bòidheach dùthchail cuideachd.
Old historic old towns are very popular, such as Edinburgh, Rome, and Paris, but tourists themselves really like beautiful rural areas as well.
It is in (the) rural places that the economy will be heavily dependent on tourism for income, a situation that causes problems for (the) local people.
When a place is very popular, it can be difficult for people who live in the place to find a house for themselves, although many houses lie empty during the winter.
Often, these places are very busy during the summer, but terribly quiet in the winter.
The fewer the people who live in the area, the fewer workers that tourism businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, shops and so on, will have.
Therefore, it’s evident (it can be seen) that there are advantages and disadvantages involved in tourism.
an eisimeil air
dependent on
an lùib
along with, involved in
rè a’ gheamhraidh
during winter
rè an t-samhraidh
during summer
Is toil leamsa a bhith a’ dol thall thairis air làithean-saora.
I like to go abroad on holiday.
Ma tha àite ro thrang, cha till mi.
If the place is too/very busy, I won’t go back.
Mura h-eil seirbhisean ann, cha chòrd na saor-làithean riutha idir.
If there are no services, they won’t enjoy their holidays.
Tha mi air a bhith an tòir air saor-làithean so-sheasmhach airson mìosan a-nis.
I’ve been searching for sustainable holidays for months now.
Chan ann gu àite far a bheil mòr-thurasachd a bhios mi a’ dol.
I won’t go to a place where there is mass tourism.