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An dàrna turas: Fàilte bhlàth

Take two: A warm welcome

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Tha saoghal na turasachd air atharrachadh gu mòr bho thachair an galar (Covid-19), nach eil thu a’ smaoineachadh? The world of tourism has changed a lot since the outbreak of the disease (Covid-19), don’t you think?
Tha gu dearbh. Chaidh mòran dhaoine air saor-làithean san dùthaich aca fhèin an toiseach. Ach saoil càit an tèid luchd-turais a-nis? It has indeed. Many people went on holiday in their own country at first. But where will/do tourists go now?
Thèid iad far an deach iad a-riamh! Thèid iad gu àitichean àlainn le seallaidhean brèagha. They will go where they have always gone! They go to beautiful places with beautiful views.
Ach tha sin diofraichte dhan a h-uile duine. Dè tha a’ tarraing dhaoine, saoil? But that’s different for everyone. What attracts people, I wonder?
Bidh mòran às an dùthaich seo an tòir air gnàth-shìde a’ Mhuir Mheadhan-thìrich. Many from this country will be looking for a Mediterranean climate.
Tha thu a’ bruidhinn air mòr-thurasachd an sin. Bidh mòran toigheach air na tràighean gainmhich agus eileanan creagach, gun ghuth air sìde bhlàth agus pailteas grèine! You are talking about mass tourism there. Many will love the sandy beaches and rocky islands, not to mention the warm weather and plenty of sunshine!
Ach dè na h-adhbharan-tàlaidh aig daoin’ eile? But what are the reasons for attraction for other people?
Tha fhios gu bheil cuid ag iarraidh fois, sìth agus dìth dhaoin’ eile. Thèid iadsan dha na beanntan, no dhan bhlàr a-muigh, no dhan ‘fhàsach’ mar a theireadh iad! It is known that some people want rest, peace and a lack of other people. They will go to the mountains, or to the outdoors, or to the ‘wilderness’ as they would say!
Bidh cuid de dhaoine measail air eachdraidh agus làraichean eachdraidheil. Some people love history and historical sites.
Ach a’ bruidhinn air làraichean eachdraidheil is a leithid, a bheil turasachd a’ dèanamh cron? But speaking of historical sites and so on, is tourism harmful (does tourism do harm)?
Nach eil fhios gu bheil—anns an dùthaich seo agus ann an iomadach dùthaich eile! Tha e a’ toirt buaidh air prìsean thaighean air feadh Alba, ach gu mòr anns na h-Eileanan, air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus ann an Dùn Èideann. Don’t you know that it is—in this country and in many other countries! It’s affecting house prices across Scotland, but particularly in the Isles, the Highlands and Edinburgh.
Ach bidh i a’ toirt cosnadh do dhaoine, agus a’ cruthachadh obraichean far nach bitheadh obraichean. Tha sin fìor airson meanbh-thurasachd agus mòr-thurasachd air feadh an t-saoghail. But it gives employment to people, and creates jobs where there would be none. That’s true for micro-tourism and mass-tourism all over the world.
Agus ged nach eil teothachd bhlàth no muir bhlàth againn an seo, aon rud a gheibh luchd-tadhail an seo an Alba, ‘s e fàilte bhlàth. Nach fhaigh …? And although we don’t have warm temperatures or warm seas here, one thing that visitors (will) get in Scotland is a warm welcome. Won’t they (get) …?