Complete for 2 points

Chaidh iad air saor-làithean

They went on holiday

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you’re happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!

Chaidh iad air saor-làithean

They went on holiday
às m’ eugmhais without me às d’ eugmhais without you às eugmhais without him às a h-eugmhais without her às ar n-eugmhais without us às ur n-eugmhais without you (plural) às an eugmhais without them às m’ aonais without me às d’ aonais without you às aonais without him às a h-aonais without her às ar n-aonais without us às ur n-aonais without you (plural) às an aonais without them


this year.

A bheil àitichean nas fheàrr às eugmhais dhaoine eile?

Are places better without other people?

Am b’ fheàrr leat a bhith ann an àite trang beòthail, no a bhith nad aonar ann an àite sàmhach?

Would you prefer to be in a busy, lively place, or to be alone in a quiet place?

Dè dhèanadh sgìrean brèagha às eugmhais turasachd?

What would beautiful places do without tourism?

Dè nach b’ urrainn dhut a bhith às eugmhais air làithean-saora?

What couldn’t you do without on holiday?