Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Chaidh mo chèile chun nan Eileanan an Iar às m' aonais

Take two: My husband went to the Western Isles without me

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Bha na cuairtean bhiortail sin uabhasach math rè a’ ghlasaidh-shluaigh. Cha bhiodh feum agad air aodach, no cead-siubhail no tiocaidean. These virtual tours were very good during (the) lockdown. You didn’t need clothes, or a passport or tickets.
Tha mi a’ tuigsinn sin, ach an rachadh tu air làithean saora san t-saoghal (san fhìor-shaoghal) às eugmhais airgid? I understand that, but would you go on holiday in the world (in the real world) without money?
Cha rachadh. Cha rachainn a dh’àite às aonais mo sporain, no mo chairt-bhanca. I wouldn’t go. I wouldn’t go anywhere without my wallet, or my bank card.
Nuair a choisich mi anns an Spàinn, thuit mi far an rathaid, agus chaill mi mo sporan agus mo chairt-bhanca. Dhùisg mi san ospadal agus cha robh dearbh-aithne sam bith orm! When I was walking in Spain, I fell off the road, and lost my wallet and bank card. I woke up in the hospital and had no ID on me!
Càit an rachadh tu air saor-làithean a-nis, ma-thà? Where would you go on holiday now, then?
Bu toigh leam turas a ghabhail air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa, dìreach aon turas nam bheatha. I would love to take a trip across Europe, just once in my life.
Chaidh mo bhràthair ann turas—air turas! Dh’fhalbh e dhan Roinn Eòrpa às eugmhais a chamara. My brother went there once—on a trip! He left for Europe without his camera.
Obh, tha sin tàmailteach! Ach cha dèanadh sin cus diofar na làithean seo. Bidh fòn aig a h-uile duine co-dhiù. Oh, that’s annoying/embarrassing! But that wouldn’t make much of a difference these days. Everyone has a phone anyway.
Rachainn air ais a Cholbhasa. Nuair a bha mi beag, chaidh mo phàrantan chun an eilein bhig—Colbhasa Beag—air bàta-seòlaidh. I would go back to Colonsay. When I was little, my parents went to the small island—Colbhasa Beag/Little Colonsay—on a sailing boat.
Chaidh mo chèile chun nan Eileanan an Iar às m’ aonais turas. Thuirt e, ‘Bu toil leam falbh a dh’àiteigin às d’ aonais!’ My husband once went to the Western Isles without me. He said, ‘I would like to go somewhere without you!’
Iochd! Dè rinn thu? An deach thu fhèin a dh’àite? Jings! (Heavens!) What did you do? Did you go anywhere yourself?
Chaidh gu dearbh! Rè an turais aige, fhuair mise cothrom cuairt a ghabhail mi fhìn às aonais—nam mhac-meanmna. Agus rè nan làithean-saora agamsa, abair gun do chòrd e rium a bhith nam aonar le mo smuaintean. Of course I did (go)! During his trip, I had the opportunity to take a tour/trip myself without him—in my imagination. And during my holidays, how I enjoyed being alone with my thoughts.