
An ginideach glòrmhor The glorious genitive

Deiseil? | Ready?

In this section, you’ll have a gentle introduction to talking about An ginideach glòrmhor (The glorious genitive).

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • Roimhearan fillte – ÀS EUGMHAIS (agus ÀS AONAIS a-rithist) | Compound prepositions – ÀS EUGMHAIS (and ÀS AONAIS again)
  • A’ cleachdadh an tuiseil ghinidich le RÈ, FAR agus CHUN | Using the genitive case with RÈ, FAR and CHUN
  • Gnàthasan | Idioms


Chan e an ro-chabhag as fheàrr.

More haste less speed or Haste makes waste [lit. great haste is not best.]

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