Complete for 2 points

Còmhradh: Co–ionnanachd ann an sòisealtas

Conversation: Equality in society

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t – no problem – you can have double the fun!

Use these questions to think about or have/hold a conversation.

Try to use some of the verbs and other grammar points we learned in this cuspair as well, especially sentences with faod is feum along with a dh’ionnsaigh, a dh’aindeoin and a rèir.

And we’ve given you a few more phrases to help you along!

A bheil na h–aona chothroman aig boireannaich is a tha aig fir?

Do women have the same opportunities as men?

A bheil na h–aona chothroman aig daoine bho na mion–chinnidhean is a tha aig daoine nach eil a’ tighinn bho na mion–chinnidhean?

Do people from ethnic minorities have the same opportunities as those who do not come from ethnic minorities?

A bheil na h–aona chothroman aig a h–uile pàiste san dùthaich seo?

Does every child in this country have the same opportunities?

A bheil neo–ionannachd a thaobh teachd–a–steach fhathast cumanta anns an dùthaich againn?

Is income inequality still common in our country?

Dè seòrsa neo–ionannachd a tha ri fhaicinn anns an dùthaich agad?

What type of inequality can be seen in your country?

Ciamar a bhiodh tu a’ faireachdainn nan tugadh an riaghaltas na còraichean agad air falbh?

How would you feel if the government took away your rights?

A bheil an riaghaltas air gin de na còraichean agad a thoirt air falbh?

Has the government taken away any of your rights?


absolute poverty

mullach glainne

glass ceiling

bochdainn choimeasach

relative poverty

fòrladh màthaireil

maternity leave

An Stàit Shochair

The Welfare State


race, ethnicity

uairean obrach taghte

flexible working hours




Highland travellers, Summer Walkers