fully believing
dìth airgid
lack of money
a dh’adhbharaich a’ bhreith neo–chiontach
caused that not–guilty not–guilty verdict!!
A bheil thu glic?
Are you daft (lit, are you wise)?
Chaidh Cìs na Comhairle a chur suas
The Council Tax was raised
Cuirear cìsean sìos
Taxes are/will be lowered
lùghdaichear seirbheisean poblach
public services are/will be reduced
Cuirear cìsean suas
Taxes are/will be raised
meudaichear seirbheisean poblach
public services are/will be increased
chun na h–aon ìre
to the same level
a’ libhrigeadh co–ionnanachd
delivering equality
gnothaichean culturach—no ioma–chultarach
cultural—or multicultural affairs/things
goireasan chur–seachadan
leisure (recreational) facilities
misneachail is brosnachail
encouraging and motivating
mental health
slàinte phoblach
public health
taigheadas is foghlam
housing and education
soirbheas dhaoine (soirbheas poblach)
people’s well–being/prosperity (public well–being)
ceann–amais nan cìsean is seirbheisean poblach
primary aim of taxes and public services
We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.