Public services

Seirbheisean poblach

Deiseil? | Ready?

In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about Seirbheisean poblach (Public services).

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • An tràth teachdail riaghailteach sa ghuth fhulangach | The future tense of regular verbs in the passive voice
  • Cìsean is seirbheisean poblach | Taxes and public services
  • Deasbad: a bheil na h–aona chothroman aig daoine dhen aon ghnè seach gnè eile? Aig diofar dhaoine a rèir dath an craicinn? | Discussion: do people of of one gender have the same opportunities as another gender? Or people according to the colour of their skin?

You will also learn about:

  • an tràth teachdail fulangach, riaghailteach le FEUM agus FAOD (a-rithist)| • the passive, regular future tense with FEUM and FAOD (again)
  • an guth fulangach le RACH (a–rithist) | • the passive voice with RACH (again)


An nì a chì na big, 's e a nì na big!
What the little ones see, the little ones do!