
Topic Introduction
Atharrachadh na gnàth–shìde
Climate change
Section 1
Dè dhèanadh tu fhèin?
What would you do?
Section 2
Feumail don àrainneachd
Useful for the environment
Section 3
A' freagairt cheistean le carson ...?
Answering questions with carson ...?
Section 4
So–sheasmhachd – Dèanta!
Sustainability - Dèanta
Section 5
Topic 25 (B1) Sustainability So-sheasmhachd
Sin thu fhèin!
Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu air tilleadh airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic.
In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about So–sheasmhachd (Sustainability).
You’ll learn how to:
- a' bruidhinn mu atharrachaidhean na h–aimsire agus na gnàth–shìde | talking about changes to the weather and climate
- ag ràdh dè dhèanadh tu airson an àrainneachd a dhìon | saying what you would do to protect the environment
- a' beachdachadh air a' bhuaidh a bhiodh aig gnìomhan air an àrainneachd | discussing what impact actions would have on the environment
- a' faighneachd agus a’ freagairt carson a dhèanadh tu no nach dèanadh tu rudan sònraichte | asking and answering why you would or wouldn't do certain things
- ag ràdh dè tha thu a' smaoineachadh a thachradh mar thoradh air rudeigin eile a' tachairt | saying what you think would happen as a result of something else happening
You’ll also learn about:
- an tràth cumhach (a–rithist) | the conditional tense (again)
- ceistean le carson …? | questions with carson …?
- freagairtean le air sgàth, a chionn, ri linn, air sàillibh, thoradh, oir, air eagal | questions with air sgàth, a chionn, ri linn, air sàilleabh, thoradh, oir, air eagal
- ainmearan càileachdail (a–rithist); feabhas, miosad | qualitative nouns (again); feabhas, miosad
- Bilingual transcription: Feabhas/miosad
- Bilingual transcription: Cleachd còmhdhail phoblach
- Bilingual transcription: The Shieling Project
- Bilingual transcription: Chleachdainn
- Bilingual transcription: A chionn 's
- Bilingual transcription: So-sheasmhachd