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Siostaman bhòtaidh fa leth

Separate voting systems

If we want to have anything to do (deal) with Scottish politics, we should learn a little about voting systems.
Three voting systems are used in Scotland just now, and so there is plenty to learn.

Pàrlamaid na Rìoghachd Aonaichte (RA)

United Kingdom (UK) Parliament

Taigh nan Cumantan (agus Taigh nam Morairean), an Lunnainn—57 BP—Buill–phàrlamaid (bho 2024/2025).

The House of Commons (and the House of Lords), in London—57 MPs—Members of Parliament (from 2024/2025)

Am pàrtaidh sa chiad àite anns gach roinn–phàrlamaid—an Siostam Àireamh Bhòtaichean as Motha, no ‘First Past the Post’.

The party in first place in each constituency, commonly known as ‘First Past the Post’.

Pàrlamaid na h–Alba

The Scottish Parliament

Tha dà shiostam ann; 73 BPA Sgìreil (Buill Phàrlamaid na h–Alba) air an taghadh a rèir a’ phàrtaidh sa chiad àite anns gach roinn–phàrlamaid, agus 56 BPA Roinneil air an taghadh bho liosta, a’ riochdachadh ochd sgìrean roinneil.

There are two systems: 73 Constituency MSPs (Members of the Scottish Parliament) chosen according to party in first place in each constituency, and 56 Regional MSPs chosen from a list, representing eight regional areas.

‘S e Siostam Ball a Bharrachd (Additional Member System, AMS) a chanar ris an t–siostam seo.

This is called the Additional Member system (AMS).

Comhairlean Ionadail

Local councils

Airson taghaidhean ionadail ‘s e A’ Bhòt Shingilte Ghluasadach (Single Transferable Vote, STV) a chleachdar airson Comhairlichean a thaghadh.

For local elections the Single Transferable Vote (STV) is used to elect Councillors.

Bithear a’ bhòtadh le àireamhan seach aon chrois fon t–siostam seo.

Voting is done with numbers instead of a / one cross under this system.