Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!
Use these questions to have a conversation.
First, do a little bit of research on the these voting systems.
The website BBC Bitesize Nuadh–eòlas could be very useful:
Pàrlamaid na h–Alba | Pàrlamaid na RA
Remember: it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word!
Tha thu a’ dèanamh fìor math! 😊
📕 And if you don’t understand any words, try looking them up in your dictionary or the LearnGaelic faclair. 📕
Ciamar a tha iad ag obrachadh?
How do they work?
Dè na buannachdan a tha an lùib gach siostam?
What are the advantages (inherent) in each system?
Dè na h–easbhaidhean?
What are the flaws?
Dè an siostam as cothromaiche?
Which system is fairest?
A bheil cus dhòighean bhòtaidh againn ann an Alba?
Are there too many voting systems in Scotland?
Dè b’ fheàrr leatsa fhaicinn?
What would you like to see?
Here’s some more vocabulary that will be useful:
deamocrasaidh a’ phobaill
people’s democracy
deamocrasaidh am measg an t–sluaigh
grassroots democracy
deamocrasaidh an t–sluaigh
popular democracy
deamocrasaidh ionadail
local democracy
feadaraileachd (f)
fèin–riaghladh (m)
self–government, home rule
fèin–ùghdarras (m)
neo–eisimeileachd (f)
aonachdas (m)
poblachdas (m)