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Complete for 2 points

Cumhachdan fa leth

Separate powers

It’s not only that there are different voting systems used in Scotland at the different elections, but there is more than one government, and each government has different powers.

The Government in London has Cumhachdan Glèidhte (Reserved Powers), and the Government in Edinburgh has Cumhachdan Tiomnaichte (Devolved Powers).


Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

A bheil fios agad cò na cumhachdan a tha glèidhte agus cò an fheadhainn a tha tiomnaichte?

Do you know which powers are reserved and which are devolved?

Feuch gun dèan thu/sibh liosta de na rudan a tha an urra ris an riaghaltas ann an Lunnainn agus liosta de na rudan a tha an urra ris an riaghaltas ann an Dùn Èideann.

See if you can make a list of the things which are the responsibility of the Government in London and list of the things which are the responsibility of the Government in Edinburgh.

Gheibh sibh an tuilleadh taic aig BBC Bitesize a–rithist.

You may find more help again at BBC Bitesize.

Cumhachdan Glèidhte is Cumhachdan Tiomnaichte

This list of idioms is useful for conversations about politics and politicians:

Chaidh iad a–mach air a chèile.

They fell out with each other.

Chan eil esan ach leam leat.

He is indifferent/fickle.

Cò air a tha iad a–mach?

What/Who are they on about?

Bha iad am bad a chèile.

They were having words with each other/arguing/fighting.

Tha i a’ cumail a–mach …

She is claiming…

Tha i a’ cumail ceann a’ mhaide ris.

She is confronting/standing up to him.

Tha mi coma de …

I am indifferent to …

Tha Màiri tro chèile.

Mary is upset/confused.

Tha iad uile às an rian.

They are all out of their mind.

Chaidh an ceòl air feadh na fìdhle!

All hell broke loose, it put the cat amongst the pigeons (lit. the music went through the fiddle)

Bha iad uile aig amhaichean/ugannan a chèile.

They were all at each other’s throats.

‘S e briseadh dùil a th’ annta.

They are a disappointment.